Marina Nikolaevna, 23, Moscow: "I am a pr manager of the clothes shop Mood Swing's Apartment Store."
An inspiring online mag with stunning photographs:
"TOURIST magazine is an ever evolving platform for art, music, some kind of fashion and literature. We don't look to compete but support and collaborate with artists, musicians and writers with similair or completely different points of view. We dont cherish brand spanking new music more than old, we don't applaud new collections more than previous ones and we don't look to advertise overpriced and by questionable standards, produced garments. When did expensive and impossible to find become so unbearably cool? I look to my 5 year old niece for inspiration when it comes to fashion and my 90 year old grandma when it comes to attitude." (http://www.touristmagazine.co.uk/#contact.html)
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